Holiday Toy Drive
Our toy drive is a 365 day a year project. We welcome new, non-battery operated, toys for all ages, especially group games, Spanish educational materials, bicycles, sporting equipment and Kindle Fires too! Volunteers will be in high demand at the end of the year, please let us know if you would like to sign up to spread Holiday Cheer! Please see our Contact page and we will contact you in July.
School in Covid times
As the Covid pandemic is forcing schools to remain closed, children must continue their education online. We are supplying all our homes with computers, laptops, cables, screens and all other equipment to set up computer labs. But we are falling short; consider donating all computer equipment you no longer use to this noble cause. Please help educate these these less fortunate children. Please see our Get Involved page, or contact us for drop off locations.
Community Outreach Program
Blues Against Hunger offers amazing Blues and Jazz concerts at La Salina Cantina (La Salina) and Mata Ashta (San Antonio - North Rosarito). These amazing afternoons, 3-6, are every Saturday and Sunday! The concerts are FREE to attend if you bring any non-perishables. This program has helped us to support the intact families, thus keeping their children OUT of the Homes/ Orphanages. Help us reach our goals by committing on PayPal or come join us at any one of the venues. It's super FUN!!
Maximize Girl Power
Helping girls in orphanages and foster homes throughout Northern Baja to obtain feminine hygiene products, educational opportunities, and a path to success. Visit our Facebook page (Hearts of Baja Children's Network) for more information on how to get involved. Get Involved!!